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TiECon Chandigarh 2016 1.1
Prime Minister Narendra Modi during hisspeechon the Independence Day 2015 announced the “StartupIndiaInitiative” and since then the Department of Industrial PolicyandPromotion (DIPP) Is spearheading the initiative andprovidingsubstantial backing to foster the startup ecosystem. Theallocationof 1000 crore rupees through the SETU fund, setting up ofMUDRABank, Atal Innovation Fund (AIM), slashing Royalty Tax from25% to10% by the government was highly appreciated by thestartupcommunity. The 1991 economic reforms, globalization and riseof ITindustry in India and some other factors, have also beenlargelyresponsible for the rise of entrepreneurship in India.Today, India is one of the fastest growing economies in theworldturning itself around from a nation of job seekers to anation ofjob creators. India’s own ecosystem of startup isevolving rapidlywhich is driven by energy, enterprise andinnovation of youth andIndia is turning into a startup nation.Never before in the historyof the country have so many powerfulforces come together to enablethe Indian startup ecosystem. Toboot entrepreneurship and to makeit easy to start your business,TiE since inception has executedenormous initiatives in thisdirection with setting up network ofincubators, accelerators andmentors that would help set up, growand stabilize new businesses,with an emphasis on social enterprisesand commercial adaptation ofgrass-root level innovations.It is said that 90% of the startups fail. Cold statisticlikethis is not intended to discourage entrepreneurs, but toencouragethem to work smarter and harder. As the Indian Startupecosystembecomes more conducive to start your own venture, there isa strongneed for the startups to have a strong vision, disruptionin theirbusiness ideas, latest technology knowhow, awareness ofthegovernment offerings, best funding options available.Taking further the mission to foster entrepreneurship&creating an ideal startup ecosystem and address upon theaboveissues, TiE Chandigarh chapter is organizing first of itskindTiEcon, the annual event of TiE on 19 February 2016 at HotelTheLalit, IT Park, Chandigarh.TiECon Chandigarh 2016 will be attended by seniorjournalists,entrepreneurs, investors, venture capitalists,startups,educationists and students from across India andabroad.This conference will be one of the largest gatheringsofentrepreneurial talent in India. This one day conclavebringstogether India’s brightest entrepreneurs, change-makers andexpertsunder one roof.TiEcon Chandigarh will ignite, inspire andhighlightopportunities, disruption and innovation inentrepreneurship. Theevent gets you keynote speakers, educationaltracks and networkingopportunities. You get network, get mentored,compete for angelfunding and talk one-to-one with venturecapitalists and more. Thisis an opportunity to make meaningfulconnections with clients,mentors & investors.